1. We did an Adam & Eve craft. I had Little Bill paint a brown tree trunk on the next blank page in his religion notebook. Then he made fingerprint apples with red paint, and a segmented fingerprint serpent with green paint. He wrote "Adam and Eve disobeyed God" at the bottom of the page.
2. We put the mini-book in order and stapled it together, retelling the story as we went. We then talked about how when Adam & Eve sinned, they lost the gift of God's grace. God promised to send a savior to restore the gift and open Heaven. Jesus is our savior. We talked about temptation in our lives and how sin is saying no to God. We also talked about how God forgives us and about confession. The we pasted the back of the mini-book to the next blank page in the religion notebook.
3. We made an apple prayer craft that I found on Oriental Trading. You can buy this kit, or you can make it yourself, which is what I did.
Language -
1. We completed lesson 12 in How to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. This lesson introduces the letter d.
2. Handwriting Without Tears practice, and practice writing full name and sight words learned so far.
3. I introduced Little Bill to color words using a printable game that I found at Confessions of a Homeschooler. It is the same as the number word game, but with color words. Again, I am leaving the words intact for now and later I will cut them into individual letters for Bill to put together.
4. We played the game, "10 Questions". So I told Bill I was thinking of something that moves, for example, and he had to ask me ten questions to try to figure out what it was. He is new to this, so I guided him in coming up with questions. This is a good thinking game though. Then it was his turn to think of something and for me to ask ten questions and try to guess what it is. This is a great game to randomly play in the car or grocery store.
Math - with calendar time
1. Using index cards with numbers written on them, we reviewed "what number comes after #?", as well as what numbers come before and after a given number. We also reviewed counting by 5's.
2. I introduced Little Bill to story problems. I wrote three stories in his math notebook and helped him to read them and figure out how to solve the problems using math. We will do these regularly now. If you make up your own, its great to use elements from the child's own life - it makes it more fun and creates more interest. Here are a few ideas to get you started. You can also search "math story problems for first graders" to get lots of resources.
3. We practiced with our "greater than" and "less than" alligators. This time I printed some stickers and made my own worksheet in Little Bill's math notebook for him to put the correct alligator stickers on.
4. Today I cut apart the number words "one" and "two" from the printable number word game and played with putting them back together correctly with Little Bill.
Science & Social Studies -