Saturday, August 14, 2010

Homeschooling Year at a Glance

"Education is the lighting of a fire, not the filling of a vessel."  ~ William Yeats

In first grade, we are still focused heavily on lighting that fire and keeping it burning brightly. In case you missed our overview for Catholic Kindergarten at Home, here is the basis of our homeschooling curriculum: 

There are two approaches to education. One is to force children to memorize facts, write papers on dry topics, and read boring textbooks. Children quickly burn out this way and learn to dislike and desire to avoid "school". The other is to bring learning to life through games & activities, intriguing stories, and real books. It is doing experiments, putting together projects, and exploring the world together. This is the approach that this program takes. The goal in this program is to ignite the fire inside the child, pique his curiosity & desire to learn more, and allow him to fall in love with learning.

So this year with language, we are entering the exciting world that reading opens up. In math, we are playing with numbers and learning skills to help us understand the world around us. And we are exploring science and social studies through nature studies, fun experiments, and exciting storybook adventures.

Here's to a great homeschool year!

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