Thursday, September 2, 2010

Catholic 1st Grade Homeschool: Day 14

Religion -

1. We put the Noah mini-book that we printed out yesterday in order, retelling the story as we went, and stapled them together. Then we pasted the mini-book onto the next blank page in our religion notebook.

2. Little Bill colored the Noah page for his Bible ABC booklet.

Language -

1. We completed lesson 14 in How to Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. Today the lesson introduced i.

2. Handwriting Without Tears practice, and practice writing full name and sight words.

3. I introduced the sight word "as", and we wrote in Bill's language notebook with his other sight words.

4. We practiced color words with the printable game.

5. I printed out some rime wheels to play with with Little Bill. A rime is a word ending that can make lots of words by changing the beginning. For example, the rime "ill" can make Bill, dill, fill, hill, Jill, kill, mill, pill, will.

Math - with calendar time

1. Today I gave Bill his very first math test. This is the only subject I'll be testing this year. In the other subjects, I will assess how well Bill is picking up the subject matter and progressing simply by interacting with him daily. I will give him grades accordingly.

2. After the test, we made shapes and numbers on the geoboard rubber bands.

Science & Social Studies -

1. We read the next 2 chapters in Magic Treehouse, chapters 5 & 6.

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