Friday, August 20, 2010

Catholic 1st Grade Homeschool: Day 5

Religion -

1. Teach/practice the Glory Be.

2. When we make the sign of the cross, explain that it reminds us of who God is (the trinity), and what Jesus did to open Heaven to us.

3. Talk about the trinity. The Dogma Dogs has a great trinity song on the CD. I drew a big shamrock onto a piece of paper and Little Bill wrote "Father God", "Son Jesus", and "Holy Spirit" on the leaves and decorated it.

4. Using a can of biscuits, we tore each biscuit into three, rolled each of the three pieces into balls, and put three balls in each cup of a muffin tin. We baked as directed. When they were done, we had them for a snack and talked about how the biscuits are made up of three different parts, but they are also one biscuit.

Language -

1. Using our new texture letters, we did an activity where I would put a random letter down, and then Little Bill would find the letter that goes before it and the letter that comes after it. We practiced their letter sounds, and also picked out all of the vowels and went over their short sounds.

2. We completed lesson 5 in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons (with short e), and read a Bob Book reader.

3. We reviewed our two sight words in the language notebook.

4. Handwriting Without Tears practice, and practice writing the first name.

5. Little Bill dictated to me for his journal entry today, which we began with, "When I grow up, I want to ...". Then he illustrated his entry.

Math - with calendar time

1. We practiced the number words again, using the number word game that I printed out. 

2. Count out loud as high as possible, by 2's, and backwards from 10. If you weave these into other times in your day - car, grocery, bedtime, bedtime, meals -  then you don't need to practice during school time. 

3. Make block towers for numbers one through ten. Introduce ordinal words by pointing out which one tower is third in the line, which one is fifth, and so on. If your child catches on, start to point to towers and ask your child to name which position it is in.

Science & Social Studies -

Read our last two chapters in Dinosaurs Before Dark!


Though we are using chapter books as a springboard for different science topics, science is a part of everyday life! 

Take your child on walks and to parks. Collect nature items, such as acorns, seeds, pine cones, dried flowers, interesting rocks, bird feathers, etc. You could set up a little table or shelf for such items. We have a set of Audubon guides, including a guide for: birds, trees, flowers, rocks & minerals, and insects. You can find these used, and then use them for identifying things you find in nature.

Talk about the season you are in and the signs of that season that you can find in nature. Identify what season comes next and the signs to watch for. You can talk about how animals adapt to different seasons.

Go to the library and regularly check out simple storybooks about nature, seasons, life in your backyard, etc.

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