Monday, August 23, 2010

Catholic 1st Grade Homeschool: Day 6

(Week 2)

Religion -

1. We talked about angels, particularly how we each have a guardian angel that God has given us to watch over us, protect us, and help us during times of temptation. Information on angels, including where to find them in the Bible and quotes about them from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, can be found here.

2. I printed out a black-and-white picture of a guardian angel with the prayer on it (click the link and scroll down) and Little Bill colored it in. We framed it in a simple 8x10 frame and hung it in his room. We will say this prayer regularly.

3.  We did a really cute craft - making a footprint and handprint angel with paint. Click here to see what it looks like and instructions. I bought a blank spirl-bound sketchbook to use to do our religion activities in. So Bill made the angel on the first page of his religion notebook.

Language -

1. We sat down with a picture book and I picked out different things in the pictures and we practiced recognizing ending sounds. I.E. "Look, here is a black and white cat. What sound does cat end with?"

2. We completed lesson 6 in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons. We reviewed our two sight words in the language notebook, and added the word "the".

3. Handwriting Without Tears practice, and practice writing first and last name.

4. We played the game of matching upper and lower case letters, and picked out the vowels for review.

Math - with calendar time

1. Count out loud as high as he can, count backward from 10, and skip count by 2's as high as he can.

2. Using objects from around the house, or in a picture book, make sure your child can identify basic shapes as well as how many sides & angles the different basic shapes have. Continue to work with your child on this as needed.

3. We practiced addition by using a great game that I found to print out (click on the link then scroll down to Math and click on the AddIt! Math Game).

4. Review ordinals (first, second, third) by lining up toys.

Science & Social Studies -

Hooray! We finished the fiction book of Dinosaurs Before Dark. On to the non-fiction companion and some activities to go with it! So today I introduced the non-fiction companion book to Little Bill and we looked over it and talked about it, then we read the first chapter together.

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