Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Catholic 1st Grade Homeschool: Day 8

Religion -

1. We talke about saints -  who they are, how the Church canonizes them, why we revere them, and how we are all called by God to be saints. I found some info online at that you can read in preparation for this talk.

2. We made a construction paper cover and back for a "My Saints Booklet" that we are making. I put Little Bill's patron saint on the cover -  it was a coloring page printed from Paper Dali. This wonderful resource has coloring pages as well as instructions for making wooden figures for lots of saints and famous historical people. We will be using it often for our saints booklet. I wrote a little about the saint under the picture of him for Little Bill's cover.

3. We made a wooden figure of Little Bill's patron saint. I found this idea at Catholic Family Vignettes. There is a wooden saint made (and shown!) for each letter of the alphabet. How great!

Language -

1. We completed lesson 8 in Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons.

2. In Little Bill's journal, I had him draw a picture of his favorite thing to do, and then dictate a few sentences for me to write about the picture.

3. Handwriting Without Tears practice, and practice writing first and last name.

4. We reviewed sight words in the language notebook, and on a page after the first five that were set aside, I drew bubble letter sight words and had Bill trace the inside again and again with different colors (this is called rainbow letters).

Math - with calendar time

1. Little Bill counted and I helped him continue higher. He also counted backward from 10, and now we are working on counting backwards from 20, as well as counting by 2's to higher numbers.

2. We practiced number words using the number word game that I printed out.

3. Rather than using a pre-made workbook for math, this year Little Bill will be making his own math notebook as we go along. Today, using the first page of his math book, we drew different ways of writing an addition problem (horizontal and vertical), and practiced a few simple problems drawn for each way.

4. I took a pack of index cards, and wrote a numeral on each one. Then I mixed them up and had Little Bill put them in order from least to greatest.

Science & Social Studies - 

Read chapter 3 in the Magic Tree House Guide to Dinosaurs.

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